Here you can read about all the projects i have done and mabye get some great ideas or help!
I have been programming arduino many years and made a lot of projects for ham radio and for our makerspace
Jeg har undervist i salg i 29 år og her kan du finde mit salgskursus med videoer af salgsfaserne!
I have developed a lot of homepages in drupal !
This home page are in drupal 10.1.5
Jeg elsker eventyr og har altid været vild med udelivet. Du kan finde en masse af de ture jeg har været på og håber at det inspirere dig til eventyr
På vores ferie i 2009 blev vi opmærksomme på ordet VIA FERRATA.
Det er bjergklatring for begyndere !!!
Med det menes at der er lavet en rute hvor du hele tiden er klikket i en wire så du ikke kan styrte ned, men der findes forskellige sværhedsgrader.
Vi startede med en der hed "sportive" - Det stod på fransk så vi forstod det ikke men fandt ud af at det nok betød at man skulle være i rimelig kondition, for det gik lodret op !!
Mine arme syrede og benene rystede men nej hvor var det fedt.
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Er HangGliding adventure ?
På en af vores ferier var jeg oppe at flyve faldskærm efter en speedbåd, men nu skulle det ultimative altså prøves.
Jeg havde besluttet at jeg ville prøve en tur med en paragilder.
Men da vi skulle afsted var der kun hanggliders til rådighed og piloten sagde at paragliders var kun for gamle koner og børn - nåååå rigtige mænd flyver hangglider !!!
Jeg glemte et øjeblik at han var sælger så afsted det gik.
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Drupal module import from The Things NetWork
I have used Drupal for a lot of years for different purpose.
I did create a module for Drupal 7 so all the data from your LoRa nodes can be stored as nodes in drupal and then you can show them as graph or what ever you like - Drupal can do it all.
Download the module from this LINK to zip
Here in the drupal menu you will find some tabels or graphs which show some of my data.
The module is quite simple to get working.
Download module and install.
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Dragino lora mini
A guy in our makerspace did buy one of this boards and i did get it running with this code LINK , you just have to set up the right pins
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RFM95-RFM95W-SX1276 and arduino
I started out with breadboard and a nano clone connected to pc via usb.
It did burn of one of my RFM 95 due to the fact that they are not 5v tolerant on the input pins !!
So therefore i did code the Nano and then connect the wires and only 3,6V , and now it was working without any problem.
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LoRa32U4 II V1.2 Development Board
Link to bsfrance code and documentation BUT BE AWARE ...i did order a board and get version 1.2 and that do not fit with drawings and photos you can find on the internet.
If you want to use IO1, IO2 or IO3 then you have to solder the bridge on the back site of the board.
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Cheap & Easy Arduino Sensor
If you want to try out a Cheap and Easy arduino sensor you can find a BB-FRM9x-x on ebay and a atmel328p-pu.
My focus was to find a cheap, easy to program and low current solution for everyone ...
The BB-FRM9x-x do have a voltage regulator so it means that you can supply with 3.6 volts to 5 volts.
I can get it down to 13uA with 3.6 Volts in sleep mode.
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RHF76-052 LoRa Module
RHF76-052 Lora module is born to be a serial LoRa module with firmware made for communication with an other uC.
But inside are an SX1276 and an STM32L051C8T6 and with the LMIC filesystem it is no problem to use this module with your own software
link to ebay where you can buy the module
I did make a simple test print on my CNC just to do all the test.
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I did get one of these boards link to page where to buy and checked out where to find som LoRaWan code for it.
Could not find anything but only som code here link to github BSFrance
Arcording to the datasheet it can run LoRaWan Link to datasheet
Heltec Node 151 STM32L151CCU6 + SX1276
I did want to test this little Lora Node because of the STM32L151 and on the board there is a holder for litium battery.
Here you can find code for stm32CubeIde and the lmic library Link to ZIP file
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